How to get sixpack like the actors?

Hi buddies! Do you want a six-pack like the actors? If you thought a six-pack is the result of rigorous work out at the gym, then you are wrong. It is now a matter of cosmetic surgery.The one name that the film industry comes up with, almost unanimously, happens to be Dr. Karthik of the Kumaran Hospital in Chennai. This cosmetic surgeon has done dozens of surgeries that will help in obtaining the much-needed six-pack immediately. The doctor, however, maintains strict confidentiality when it comes to his patients. He never discloses the names of the stars that have been on his surgery table.Other than the six-pack mania that has caught up with the stars, Dr, Karthik is also adept in several other cosmetic surgeries like liposuction, plastic surgery etc. This talented doctor will travel down to Las Vegas for a seminar shortly. Hope this post is useful to all.